Tuesday, August 14, 2012

graffiti and old cars

every thing alive and dead becomes
due for the next life
we wear them in colored hair
in gym minutes
in long draws on a craft beer
momentary lapses of reasons are
countries under flaked wheels
destroyed by this illusion this
destroys and leaves all pieces real and
handled by those arrived
before we arrived to destroy

it could be any stolen morning
destroy destroy
laughter heard through
headphones jockeys for space and
attention to
take the requisite steps to
approach her (though longing
for new nighttimes she inhales
through her nose fiercely and
repurposes my weaponry almost
absentmindedly as a car
almost devastatingly in her
refusal to speak even once destroys and
it could be any lost conversation with
her until
gutted eternity) though longing though
only occurring in the friction of
strangled time and never
approaching her only
in this destroy
destroy destroy

speaking with an old friend though
longing she
knows what i loved of her
most definitively is the same strength she
nimbly produces in my idiotic wake
and the silence is more articulate
than my jagged aching destroys
me though longing like

the old faded paint of the
neighborhood's names hallucinate their
former colors and summon themselves
to form in the sunlight
remembering their own radiance when
the nighttime still encounters them
peeled of splendor though longing

i could be that hungry image
finding her elements in the cast
shadows of cars destroys
i        run           around         the           neighborhood
painting and signifying the recollected
variations as much as i
speak to her or reach
conclusions built of parts fresh
from the factory and
unknown by any touch

everything is new and
repairs my
machinery image in the

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