Sunday, December 19, 2010


The walkways diversify
You find yourself courting 9th ave with caustic meander
Weighing the varied meager shames of the day so in a
flowing maneuver you are already walking towards tide and
surrendering to the virus flux of shove and handle


graffiti slogans bubble like air cozy under wheatpastes
a spiral notebook of crumpled pages brick and paint and
elongated dusty industrial
refuse in the alleys contradicting discount store gossamer garbage bags
everything an installation
everything INSTALLED positioned drafted diagrammed hung mad like
nabokovs frustrated child pulling hair at the encumbrance of

it's become impossible to read
pull the book out and fret the pages with so
little time to produce dreams feel wasted on the mysteries of others

i've learned that looking through the windows is sabotage
old in a gray chair
spend lunch breaks following babel in long strides
walking letters in the rain austere in an
old army coat plucked eye brows and a
haircut of fatuous lies this

perseverance is for frauds but you'd never know
the way i can walk by myself for hours

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